Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Campaign, A social experiment for the world.

I have been a user of the internet for years and years. It fills me with curiosity as to what people do with it each day. I have come across many many ideas people have had in order to earn or raise money that from a young age i've wanted to do something similar myself. I have spent years trying to think as to what I could do to raise money or what could I offer to help me raise money.

An early post (my first I think) I told of how a young girl inspired me to open up my own English school offering free English lessons to kids. So I have decided to mix the two together. I am going to begin a campaign to help me raise money for an English school and give me the tools and resources to offer the lessons for free.

The name of my campaign is "One In A...." The reason its fragmented like that is because each time I am going to set targets, write blogs as I am now in the hope of attracting readers to see the campaign and each time the target is hit I will move it upto the next level. I have several targets set in mind with the ultimate being "One in a Million".

The world's population is over 7 Billion and I like to think that the world has not turned its back on helping others out, even in economic struggle. So the main summary of my campaign is whether I can find X number of people who will be willing to donate £1.00. The X will change as the campaign evolves. It starts with 10, and will hopefully one day make its way upto 1,000,000.

I am also trying to find unique donations. Even if a person finds it within themselves to donate more then the asking sum of £1.00, only £1.00 will be added to the target. The campaign is called One in a X for a reason. There will be a page made with true amounts on if people request it.

To give an indication as to some uses for the money I will list them below.

1. I want to purchase a building in which I can label and brand with the schools information.
2. I want to buy computers to allow students to be able to have top of the range tools at their disposal (This will be aimed for more older students and adults who might require them for things like word processing or research)
3.I want to finish my driving lessons. Where I live is to small to attract enough people to the class. I want to have my school in the large city which is over an hour away. Commuting by train isn't really viable with the amount of resources I will be carrying back and fourth.

This is a very basic and skeleton outline of some of the requirements I want to use the money for.

As further reasoning to donate I offer this. If I manage to reach my top target of One in a Million I will randomly select 20 people and hand select 10 (people who did more for the cause then simply donate) and pay for their flights to come to Japan and to attend a special open evening of the school. Depending on availability of lodgings they may be included as well.

So what are you waiting for. Help me realise my new life ambition of opening my school and you could be jetting of to Japan to a special VIP evening before you know it.

(Terms and conditions will apply and will be posted when required)

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